Detailed Specification
100 tablet box
Houzheng Wan
Manufacturer : Beijing Tongrentang Pharmaceutical
Packing : 100 tablet box
Pharmaceutical Ingredients : Chinese Herbal
Product Category : Respiratory System
Code AT0203
3 box reserve
Code AT3203
Pinnyin name : Houzheng Wan.

Functions and Indications : For the swelling and pain, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis and sore furuncle general.

Ingredients : Banlangen, bezoar, borneol, pig bile, yuen-ming powder, qingdai, realgar, borax, chansu(alcohol system), baicaoshuang.

Usage and Dosage : Oral (let the tablet disolve in the mouth), take 5-10 micro-tablets twice a day. Children should take half the dosage.
Can also be applied externally, for sore furuncle early red pain where skin has not been broken, disolve in cool water and apply to inflamed area, several times a day.

Character : Sucking tablet.

Packing : 100 tablet box.

Storage : Keep sealed.
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