60g tablet box
Baizi Yangxin Wan
Code CT0249
3 box course
Code CT3249
Pinyin name : Baizi Yangxin Wan

English name : Mind Tonic Pill of Arborvitae Seed.

Functions and indications: Nourishing blood and invigorating qi, nourishing the heart to calm the mind. To relieve anxiety and mental strain in cases of palpitation, insomnia and amnesia.
It is indicated for deficiency of the heart blood, severe palpitation, palpitation due to fright, insomnia and amnesia. Applicable to insomnia, arrhythmia due to deficiency of the heart and spleen.

Ingredients: Boria (sclerotium) Astragalus(root) Ligusticum wallichii (rhizome) Dong quai (root) Pinellia (rhizome) Oriental arborvitae (seed) Codonopsis (root) Polygala (root) Cassia (bark)
Chinese licorice (root) Jujube (seeds) Schisandra (fruit)

Usage: Take orally, 6g each time (use after meals) 2 times daily.


1, Don't use it if you have fire excess from yin deficiency or excessive rising of liver Yang, hyperactivity of liver.
  1. Don't use the medicine for long term.
  2. Keep out of reach of children.

Detailed Specification
Manufacturer : Beijing Tongrentang Pharmaceutical
Packing : 60g box
Pharmaceutical Ingredients : Chinese Herbal
Product Category : Heart and Circulation
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