30 capsule box
Qianlieshule Jiaonang
Manufacturer : Pulinsong Pharmaceutical Co.
Packing : 30 capsule box
Pharmaceutical Ingredients : Chinese Herbal
Product Category : Men's Health
Code ES0288
3 box course
Code ES3288
Pinyin name : Qianlieshule Jiaonang.

English name :Qianlieshule Prostatitis Capsules.

Functions and Indications : To tonify Qi of the kidney and disperse blood stasis. For deficiency of the kidney and spleen, prostatic hyperplasia, chronic prostatitis, urinary frequency and urgency and urethra astringent pain.

Pharmacological Trials (China)
  1. Has a positive role in the treatment and prevention of testosterone induced prostate hyperplasia.
  2. Qianlieshule prostatitis particles can inhibit the inflammatory response, so reducing the number of white blood cells and significantly reduce the body weight of the prostate.
  3. Improve microcirculation, arterioles and venule blood vessel diameter increased.

Main Ingredients : Epimedium Herb, Radix Astragali, Cattail Pollen, Plantain Herb, Medicinal Cyathula Root.

Character : This product is in capsule form.

Usage and Dosage : Oral, take 5 capsules each time, 3 times a day.

Packing : 30 capsule box

Note : If a need to increase the dosage, please seek doctor's advice

Storage : 2 year period, keep sealed.

License Approval Number Z20060158

Detailed Specification
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